Creativity, Activity and Service

Creativity, Activity and Service

Art & Craft

Art and craft activities give students a sense of achievement, by developing their creative ideas through sketches, templates, or models and allow them to take pride in their work which builds their confidence. We provide a strong platform for students to progress from one level to the next, supported with learning resources.

Performing arts

The performing arts encourage students to explore their emotions, expand their imagination and helps them develop their own unique style.

Music & Dance

Each discipline of music, dance and drama engage a child's brain, body and emotions in different ways to encourage their confidence and find joy in self-expression.

Sporty Bean

Sporty beans is India’s most reputable multi-sport program for children (aged 1.5 - 8 years).

It has been operating since 2009 and currently runs classes for children at various locations across the country. The research backed sports curriculum teaches children the fundamentals of 9 popular ball sports (soccer, baseball, hockey, volleyball, basketball, cricket, golf, rugby and tennis) in a social, non-competitive, team-based environment. Sporty beans seek to promote a healthy lifestyle, develop a lifelong passion for physical activity and sport. The aim is not only to teach sportsmanship but also to introduce sports as exciting and memorable.


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